Intro to Python Scripting: 02 Varibles and Input/Output

Video Duration: 
15 minutes
Zach Downey

OK, in this video we finally get to do a little Rhino, albeit a very little. We are building up in small steps, partly because it keeps the videos short and I think bite sized chunks are helpful in these intro videos. This video covers a couple of varible types and a little bit about naming conventions. We also look at getting info from the user via Rhino's command line. Simple stuff but it leads to good scripts later. We also cover a bit of string formatting in python. This can be slightly confusing to people so I try to explain it in the simplest terms. Here is good link that talks about all things strings! Take a look specifically at string formatters and escape characters.

#Variables and Simple User input/output
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
#String Examples
strGreeting = "Hello World"
print strGreeting
strInput = rs.GetString("Type String to Print")
print strInput
#Number Examples
dblRadius01 = 2.0
print dblRadius01
dblRadius02 = rs.GetReal("Enter a Number for Radius02", 3.0)
print dblRadius02
#String Formatters
print "Radius01 : %d \nRadius02 : %d" % (dblRadius01, dblRadius02)
strMessage = "Radius01 : %d \nRadius02 : %d" % (dblRadius01, dblRadius02)
Format Symbol
%c	character
%s	string conversion via str() prior to formatting
%i	signed decimal integer
%d	signed decimal integer
%u	unsigned decimal integer
%o	octal integer
%x	hexadecimal integer (lowercase letters)
%X	hexadecimal integer (UPPERcase letters)
%e	exponential notation (with lowercase 'e')
%E	exponential notation (with UPPERcase 'E')
%f	floating point real number
%g	the shorter of %f and %e
%G	the shorter of %f and %E
Backslash Notation and Descriptions
\a		Bell or alert
\b		Backspace
\cx	 	Control-x
\e		Escape
\f		Formfeed
\n		Newline
\r		Carriage return
\s		Space
\t		Tab
\v		Vertical tab
\x	 	Character x


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Thank you for these clear tutorials. Just one thing, around minute 10:25, adding the %d will output an integer number ignoring any decimals. We can use %f for floats, or %g for generic numbers.

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