Planar Quads

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Video Duration: 
8 minutes
Zach Downey

In this tutorial, we look at two methods for creating a surface composed of planar quads.  This is pretty handy for fabrication, especially if you don't want to triangulate a surface.  The first method uses a Sum Surface component to create a surface that we then break into planar quads.  The second methond translates a curve along another curve to create a planar quad surface.  It's important to note that the translation is strictly a move translation, that there is not rotation.  Contrast this with a swept surface and you can see the difference.  A swept surface rotates the curve so that the sweeping curve is always normal to the rail curve.  Sweeping does not always yeild planar quads.  Anyway, play around with it.  Hopefully it's something someone can use.  Also, if you have questions or comments, feel free to drop a line below.  Don't be shy to point out any errors you might find as well.  I won't get upset.

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